Do trade sale privatizations in Europe create value to shareholders of acquiring firms?

Autor: Dirk Schiereck, F. Zeidler
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Corporate Ownership and Control. 4:262-274
ISSN: 1810-3057
DOI: 10.22495/cocv4i4c2p2
Popis: Many authors have identified zero to negative announcement returns for acquirers in traditional mergers and acquisitions. When purchasing state-owned enterprises as compared to public assets the acquirer faces one particular difference: the distinct characteristics of the seller. The selling government is assumed to lack bargaining power and experience selling off its assets and also often to consider non-economic objectives when privatizing. Furthermore it has a tendency to privilege domestic acquirers. By conducting standard event study methodology and analyzing 90 European trade-sale privatizations we document that acquirers in a privatization context yield significant positive abnormal stock returns
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