Co-refinement of fault surfaces : convexification process

Autor: Alexandra Claisse, L. Agelas, S. Benteboula, A. Benali, P. Havé, A. Loseille
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: ESAIM: Proceedings. 24:60-76
ISSN: 1270-900X
DOI: 10.1051/proc:2008030
Popis: The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm that allows the common renement of non-coincident meshes composed of arbitrary 3D surfaces elements (triangles, quad elements). This study is motivated by computations in geologic applications which involve complex geometries with heterogeneous components and geologic faults. The resulting meshes are linked through a continuous bijection in order to ensure the accuracy and the conservativity of the data transferring through the surfaces. The strategy adopted consists, rst, of the simultaneous convexication of the two surfaces by the mean of points connections. A projection according to given normals is then achieved. The mesh quality improved by applying a surface smoothing should accelerate the procedure convergence. R esum e. L'objectif de ce travail est de mettre au point un algorithme qui permet le co-ranement de maillages non concidents compos es d' el ements de surfaces 3D arbitraires (triangles, quadran- gles). Cetteetude est motiv
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