Effect of Wide Raised Bed Planting Patterns on Potato Production Under Furrow and Sprinkler Irrigation Methods

Autor: M.C. Sood, Name Singh
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Progressive Agriculture. 16:178
ISSN: 0976-4615
DOI: 10.5958/0976-4615.2016.00034.x
Popis: Field studies were conducted during three consecutive years 2007–10 on light textured (Typic - Ustocrept) soils at Central Potato Research Institute Campus, Modipuram, Meerut (UP) to study the effect of raised bed planting patterns on potato production under furrow and sprinkler irrigation methods. The results revealed that the triple row raised bed planting pattern at 120 cm (1,25,000 plants/ha at 20 x 20 cm inter & intra-row spacing) under sprinkler irrigation method produced 31% higher yield (41.1 t/ha) and saved 34% irrigation water closely followed by double row raised bed planting pattern at 90 cm (1,11,111 plants/ha at 20 x 20 cm inter & intra-row spacing) than furrow method of irrigation which produced 31.2 t tubers/ha. The similar trend was also noticed in case of net tuber yield as well as medium size tuber yield. The double/triple row raised bed planting patterns both at 90 and 120 cm spacing also produced significantly higher proportion of seed size tubers than other treatments. The triple row raised bed planting pattern at 120 cm spacing gave maximum gross return of Rs.1,90,050/ha and B: C ratio of 2.89 closely followed by double row raised bed planting pattern at 90 cm spacing (Rs.1,77,500/ha) in comparison to furrow irrigation method which gave gross return Rs.1,34,050/ha & B: C ratio of 2.56.
Databáze: OpenAIRE