Evaporação cutânea e respostas fisiológicas de caprinos Canindé em ambiente equatorial semiárido

Autor: Jânio Lopes Torquato, Juliana Jéssica Ferreira Coelho Silva, Geovan Figueirêdo de Sá Filho, Leonardo Lelis de Macedo Costa, João Batista Freire de Souza
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology. 1:13-16
ISSN: 2318-1265
DOI: 10.14269/2318-1265.v01n01a03
Popis: This study aimed to evaluate the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation and physiological responses of goats Caninde in environment equatorial semiarid. We used 10 goats Caninde environmental conditions of Mossoro (5°11' S, 37°22' W, 18m above sea level), RN, Brazil. Samples were collected at intervals of one hour, starting at 07:00 and ending at 17:00. We evaluated the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation (Ec, W.m-2) and surface temperature (Ts, °C) under the effects of the environment (sun and shade) and for different body areas (neck, flank and thigh), and the interaction among these effects. It also assessed the effect of environment on respiratory rate (Fr, resp.min-1) and rectal temperature (Tr, °C). There was a significant effect of environment (P
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