Coenotical diversity of vegetation of mountain-tundra and open woodland belts on the Manpupuner Ridge (Northern Urals, Pechoro-Ilychskiy Nature Reserve)

Autor: Yu. A. Dubrovskiy, S. V. Degteva
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Vegetation of Russia. :47-84
ISSN: 2073-0659
DOI: 10.31111/vegrus/2018.34.47
Popis: The study of coenotical diversity of mountain tundra and open woodland altitudinal belts at Manpupuner ridge (Pechoro-Ilych Nature Reserve) in 2012–2013 continues the previous researches by Institute of Biology Komi Scientific Centre RAS at ridges Schuka-Yol-is, Kychyl-is, Makar-is, Tonder and Turynya-ner, and Mankhambo in 2007–2011 (Deg­teva, Dubrovskiy 2009, 2012, 2014). The data were obtained using the complex of traditional and modern methods of phytocoenotical and floristical researches (Ipatov, Mirin, 2008). 184 relevés (kept in the Phytocoenarium of the Institute of Biology KSC RAS), made at 400 m2 plots in open woodland and forests stands, at 100 m2 plots in meadow, tundra and shrub stands or within the limits of the communities, were set along the profiles at the elevation gradients. The assessment of vertical and horizontal structure, species number and abundance of vascular plants, main mosses and lichens as well as community classification according the dominant approach was carried out. In mountain tundra communities which are located at flat plates and terraces of the upper part of slopes 122 species of vascular plants, 36 of mosses and 37 of lichens were found. Three associations (Fruticuleto-betuletum nanae flavocetrariosum (Fig. 2), Fruticuletum cladinosum, Myrtilletum cladinosum, Fruticuletum cladinosum) of lichen tundra (Table 2), two ones (Fruticuleto-betuletum nanae hylocomiosum, Myrtilletum hylocomiosum) of green moss tundra (Fig. 3, 4) and ass. Bistorto majoris-avenelletum poly­trichosum of Polytrichum-dominated tundra (Table 3) were distinguished. More diverse is vegetation of the open woodland belt where the complex of open woodlands, bushes and meadows is presented. Poor in species number spruce open woodlands with total tree crown density is 0.1–0.2 and of 2–3 m height in the upper part of the belt and 6 m in the lower slope parts, which occur at about 680–760 m,1 belong to associations Piceetum betuloso nanae–caricoso-empetroso-cladinosum and P. avenelloso-myrtilloso-hylocomiosum (Table 4; Fig. 5). Pinus sibirica open woodlands (Table 4) of lichen (Cembretum betuloso nanae–arctoetoso alpinae–flavocetrariosum (Fig. 6) and C. caricoso globularis–vaccinioso uliginosii–cladinosum) and green moss (C. caricoso globularis–vaccinioso uliginosii–hylocomiosum) types were met at 620–640 m at flat terraces (first time in the Pechoro-Ilych Nature Reserve). Open woodlands dominated by mountain ecological form of Betula pubescens occur at 580–770 m more common at east and north-west exposition, but also occur at south-west and north slopes and in the southern part of the Manpupuner Ridge, on terraces. Taxation parameters of the stands change with the elevation changes. In the upper part of this belt, the canopy density is 0.1–0.2, tree height 1.5–2.5 m and stem diameter 2–4 cm, at elevations about 600 m, 0.4–0.6, 8–12 m and 18–26 cm respectively. Five associations are distinguished within this formation: Montano-Betuletum gymnocarpiosum, M.-B. geraniosum albiflorii, M.-B. calamagrostidosum, M.-B. aconitosum (Fig. 7), M.- B. avenellosum (Table 5). Shrub vegetation is presented by Salix spp., Betu­la nana and Juniperus sibirica stands. The willows (Sali­cetum lanatae geraniosum albiflorii and Salicetum lanatae mixtoherboso–calamagrostidosum) (Table 6, Fig. 8) are developed in stream runoffs/valleys at ele­vations 700–770 m. Juniperus communis communities (Juniperetum sibiricae avenelloso-myrtilloso-hylocomiosum (Fig. 9) and Juniperetum sibiricae gymnocarpiosum; Table 6) in the Pechoro-Ilych Nature Reserve are found at 670–780 m in the drained ecotopes at terraces, flat and convex slopes. Betula nana stands (Betuletum nanae empetroso-caricoso-hylocomioso-cladinosum (Fig. 10), Betuletum nanae caricoso-hylocomiosum (Fig. 11) and Betuletum nanae fruticuloso-hylocomiosum; Table 6) cover the largest areas at 680–750 m on terraces, flat, convex and concave slopes and saddles between the individual vertices. In mountain meadows (Calamagrostidetum geraniosum (Fig. 12) and Geranietum mixtoherbosum (Fig. 13)) which do not cover large areas at the ridge and occur on rich wet soils at stream runoffs, valleys and the borders of the stone-fields, 117 species of vascular plants, 27 of mosses and 32 of lichens are found (Table 7). Coenotical core of their flora is formed by species of meadow and mountain meadow eco-coenotical group. Species number at 100 m2 plot vary from 12 to 45 (mean 27). Three associations (Piceetum fruticuloso-hylocomiosum, P. aconitosum and P. dryopteridosum expansae) dominate in the mountain forest belt. The common number of syntaxa of association level at the Manpupuner Ridge is 27 including mountain tundras, bushes, meadows, open woodlands and forests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE