High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet Cutting As a Dismantling Tool

Autor: L. Denissen, V. Massaut, H. Davain, J. Dadoumont, M. Klein
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Volume 3: Hazardous Waste; Engineered/Geological Barriers in Disposal Systems; L/ILW; Radioactive Waste From Research/Industries; Spent Fuel/HLW Disposal; Public Involvement; Remediation of Uranium Mining/Milling; LL/ILW; Clearance/Exemption Levels; Mgmt. of Fissile Material; HLW; Dismantling; Reversible/Irreversible Disposal; Waste Avoidance/Minimization; Decontamination; Liquid Waste; Radioactive Waste Processing; Transport of Spent Fuel/HLW; Solid HLW Confinement; QA/QC.
DOI: 10.1115/icem2001-1284
Popis: Since 1989, SCK•CEN is dismantling the BR3 (Belgian Reactor no3). During these 11 years of decommissioning, a lot of experience is gained in the field of remotely controlled cutting techniques for high active parts and decontamination techniques of highly contaminated parts. Mechanical cutting techniques (circular saw and band saw) were used for cutting the reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) and its internals. For some large components in the reactor building, like the steam generator, the pressurizer and the Neutron Shield Tank, a new tool, the High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet Cutting will be used to cut activated and contaminated pieces with material thicknesses ranging from 20 to 170 mm. Deliverance of the cutting equipment is foreseen in the summer of 2001. Cold tests and training sessions for the operators will then take place and by the beginning of 2002 the cutting equipment will be installed in the reactor pool inside the controlled area to start the actual work.
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