Two Step Power Attack on SHA-3 Based MAC

Autor: Chun-Yi Chu, Marcin Lukowiak
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.23919/mixdes.2018.8436910
Popis: Because of the recent break of the SHA-l hash function, it is expected that in the nearest future there will be an increasing interest in the new SHA-3 algorithm. SHA-3 implements a subset of the Keccak family and has been released as the NIST standard in 2015. SHA-3 based MAC is a keyed-hash message authentication function, which can be used to verify both the data integrity of the message and its source. Previous work demonstrated successful side channel attacks, in particular power attacks on hardware implementations of the SHA-3 based MAC. This work presents a new two step practical attack against SHA-3 based MAC implemented on an FPGA hardware. This new attack can successfully extract the 320-bit secret key with 200,000 traces at 90% success rate.
Databáze: OpenAIRE