Historical Case Analysis of Uranium Plume Attenuation

Autor: Eric R. Lindgren, Carlos F. Jove-Colon, Malcolm D. Siegel, Patrick V. Brady
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal. 10:71-115
ISSN: 1549-7887
Popis: Groundwater plumes containing dissolved uranium at levels above natural background exist adjacent to uranium ore bodies, at uranium mines, milling locations, and at a number of explosive test facilities. Public health concerns require that some assessment of the potential for further plume movement in the future be made. Reaction-transport models, which might conceivably be used to predict plume movement, require extensive data inputs that are often uncertain. Many of the site-specific inputs are physical parameters that can vary spatially and with time. Limitations in data availability and accuracy means that reaction-transport predictions can rarely provide more than order-of-magnitude bounding estimates of contaminant movement in the subsurface. A more direct means for establishing the limits of contaminant transport is to examine actual plumes to determine if, collectively, they spread and attenuate in a reasonably consistent and characteristic fashion. Here a number of U plumes from ore bodies and co...
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