Reflecting on Practice: Exploring Individual and Organizational Learning through a Reflective Teaching Model

Autor: Bairbre Redmond
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The degree of effectiveness with which the needs of service users in health and social care are met relies on the ability of individual professionals to recognize, understand and respond to the unique requirements of each service user. Good service delivery also depends on how well employing organizations can encourage and support their practitioners to work in partnership with service users. This chapter examines how, using a reflective training approach, a group of practitioners in the intellectual disability services explored not only their own attitudes to service users, but also how well their different employing agencies functioned as learning organizations, displaying capabilities of changing and responding to service user need. Most importantly, this chapter looks at how individual learning can become a catalyst for wider organizational learning, with practitioners importing new, reflective approaches back into their service agency in a way that can encourage organizational learning.
Databáze: OpenAIRE