SISTRE: A time‐to‐depth conversion tool applied to structually complex 3‐D media

Autor: Patrice Guillaume, Tiny T. Van der Werff, Patrick Compte, Michel Riepen, Jean Luc Guiziou, Berend C. Scheffers
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1990.
DOI: 10.1190/1.1889970
Popis: In structurally complex areas the 2-D or 3-D velocity field or model strongly influences eismic processing results. The velocity macro model, estimated in depth, should be consistent with prestack seismic traveltimes and other relevant information (e.g. well data). We tackle the issue of estimating a structurally complex three-dimensional macro-model from surface seismic measurements. The subsurface model is designed as an assembly of closed volumes (layer-blocks). Tectonically complex features such as reverse faults, overhangs, and thrust faults can be handled. Salt domes can be handled also. The interval velocity fields within the layer-blocks are taken to be heterogeneous. They do account for constant vertical velocity variation and constant transverse isotropy. The conversion from timeto depth is based on the inversion of prestack traveltimes. Forward modeling is performed by ray-tracing. Model consistency is enforced uring inversion through the combined use of soft constraints and hard constraints. The 3-D subsurface models resulting from inversion should also be available for other applications to check its validity. Therefore the inversion scheme application is implemented on a relational database management system storing the 3-D subsurface models, prestack traveltimes, and rays.
Databáze: OpenAIRE