Talking to young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds about sexual and reproductive health: what have we learned and where do we go from here?

Autor: Botfield, J, Zwi, A, Newman, C, Rutherford, A, Ooi, C, Kang, M, Smith, M, Bateson, D, Carmody, C, Crozier, B, Bennett, K
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.26190/5c9453933e494
Popis: Australia today comprises a rich diversity of cultures, ethnicities and languages, with people from different backgrounds coming into the country under a range of circumstances. It is widely recognised that sexual and reproductive health, although essential to broader health and wellbeing, are particularly sensitive issues in many cultures especially but not only in relation to the lives of young people. These young people from diverse cultural backgrounds in Australia, including migrants, refugees and international students, may be at heightened risk of poor sexual and reproductive health, and may not be fully engaged with, or benefitting from, available sexual and reproductive health care. The little that is known regarding how these young people use services for these matters generates a narrative of ‘low awareness’ and ‘under-utilisation’. There appears to be a need for increased engagement in this area, however there is limited empirical research documenting the views and experiences of young people themselves, and the views of professionals who work with these young people or in this service or policy area. This doctoral research explored the experiences of migrant and refugee young people living in Sydney, NSW, to better understand how they, as well as service provider, community, academic and policy stakeholders, viewed their sexual and reproductive health information and care needs and experiences. This report summarises what was learned from different aspects of the research, suggests areas for enhancing policy and practice, and proposes areas for future research.
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