Rent Seeking and Supply Management in Canadian Agriculture

Autor: Bruce L. Benson, Merle D. Faminow
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie. 32:548-558
ISSN: 0008-3976
Popis: The social costs of supply management in Canadian agriculture have been the subject of recent theoretical and empirical study. Thus far, analyses have focused on the conventional deadweight loss approach to describing social costs. This debate is expanded by considering how the scarce resources consumed in a competitive rent seeking process revise the interpretation and calculation of societal losses from supply management. It is concluded the exclusion of society's loss due to wasteful rent seeking activities results in underestimation of the social cost of supply management programs. Les couts sociaux dus a la gestion des stocks dans l'agriculture Ca-nadienne ont fait l'object de plusieurs etudes recentes, aussi bien thaoriques qu'empiriques. Jusqu'a present, les analyses ont mis l'accent sur l'approche conventionnelle de l'etude des pertes secnes pour decrire les couts sociaux. Le debat sur la question est ici relance quand on considere, dans le cadre d'un processus concurrentiel de recherche de plus-value aconomique, combien l'utilization des resources limitaes conduit a reviser l'interpretation et le calcul des pertes soc-iales duer a la gestion des stocks. En conclusion, I'exclusion des pertes sociales dues aux activitas ruineuses de recherche de plus-value a pour resultat de sousestimer le cout social des programmes de gestion des stocks. A recent article in this Journal by Schmitz reviews the economic effects of the supply management experience in Canada. Utilizing previously published empirical evidence and an economic surplus methodology, Schmitz concludes that the net welfare losses due to supply management are small for the commodities discussed. So small, in fact, that Schmitz wonders if policy makers can be influenced, on the basis of efficiency criteria, to reconsider supply management as an approach to ag-ricultural policy.
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