Use of aerological soundings in determining the sources of moisture for precipitation

Autor: Benjamin Holzman
Rok vydání: 1937
Zdroj: Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 18:488
ISSN: 0002-8606
DOI: 10.1029/tr018i002p00488
Popis: Meteorologists today recognize various distinct types of air-bodies that in general are characterized by a great horizontal homogeneity in physical properties. This uniformity in properties obtains through a development of a thermodynamic and hydrodynamic equilibrium at certain critical or source regions within the general atmospheric-circulation system. Eventually, after these bodies of air attain a certain potential energy of mass-distribution, polar currents begin to migrate toward the equator and tropical currents toward the pole. The character of the moisture- and temperature-modifications that occur during these migrations depends upon whether the paths of these air-bodies lie over continental or marine areas.
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