Complexity of charged anisotropic spherically symmetric fluids in f() gravity

Autor: Z Yousaf, M Z Bhatti, M M M Nasir
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Communications in Theoretical Physics. 75:035401
ISSN: 1572-9494
DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/acb2bb
Popis: The previous ideology of complexity factor for the dynamical spheres [Herrera et al 2018, Phys. Rev. D, 98, 104059] is extended for the influence of charge. A dynamical spherically symmetric non-dissipative and dissipative self-gravitating structure is examined in the presence of Maxwell f (  ) gravity to examine the complexity factor. The pattern of evolution is studied with the minimal complexity constraint. The complexity factor remains the same for the structure of fluid distribution, while we examine homologous constraints for the most basic evolution pattern. We calculate the structure scalars which play an important role in order to understand the fundamental properties of the system. The fluid is geodesic as well as shearing for the dissipative case and there is a large number of solutions. In the non-dissipative fluid distribution, a shear-free, homogeneous and isotropic, geodesic fluid correlates with the evolving homologous and vanishing complexity condition. The implication of the condition of vanishing complexity factor and stability are discussed at the end.
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