Pair production and escape in accretion disks

Autor: C. F. Meirelles, Edison Liang
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.45576
Popis: It is shown that, in the absence of confining mechanisms, there will be a non‐negligible amount of pairs escaping from the inner region of a Comptonized soft photon two‐temperature accretion disk, when pair production is not balanced by annihilation. Assuming conditions such that the photons and particles in the disk can be regarded as close to a Wien plasma (Svensson, 1984), we calculate the rate of pair escape from the disk for both a situation close to pair balance and a situation with the rate of escape exceeding annihilation. The pairs are assumed to be created by photon‐photon processes. Within this model one can account for the 511 keV γ‐ray luminosity due to pair annihilation in the ISM, as recently observed in the Einstein source.
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