Measurement of63Ni in highly radioactive Hanford waste by liquid scintillation counting

Autor: Ahmad E. Nevissi, J. H. Kaye, R. S. Strebin
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles. 180:197-200
ISSN: 1588-2780
DOI: 10.1007/bf02035906
Popis: Characterization of high-activity radioactive waste stored in underground tanks at Hanford requires determining63Ni (100 y). This low-energy β-emitter (Emax 67 keV) must be separated with a high degree of radiochemical purity large amounts of other fission and activation products. The method to be discussed involves multiple precipitation steps with several holdback carriers added, followed by precipitations with dimethylglyoxime, ion exchange, and electrodeposition. The59Ni activity is determined by low-energy photon spectrometry. The sample is then stripped from the counting disk with HNO3, converted to the chloride form, and the63Ni β-spectrum is measured with high efficiency by liquid scintillation counting.
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