Structural Features of Products Formed during DC Arc Discharge in Water

Autor: Orgilsaikhan Gerelmaa, Erdene Bayanjargal, Jigmeddorj Vanchinkhuu, Baasandorj Bat-Erdene
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Solid State Phenomena. 288:71-78
ISSN: 1662-9779
DOI: 10.4028/
Popis: Products formed in the discharge region of the DC arc between graphite electrodes in water were studied. Whereas one of them was grown on a cathode and kept whole, the other is arose by erosion of electrodes in powder form and sank or floated in the surrounding water. The structure of the products was studied by SEM and SEM EDX analysis. The whole parts grown on the cathode were made up three different components: (i) almost spherical tiny particulates; (ii) long and narrow linear parts; and (iii) macro particulates of gigantic size. We have identified the size distributions and the number densities for these component parts in the sample as well their mechanical features. The powder samples included bulk particulates of carbon sheets and linear structures, like a thread. The study shows that the long linear structures in the powder sample are formed by the scrolling of carbon layers whereas the ones deposited are formed by a growth mechanism
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