Dysphagia and Voice in Parkinson's disease: evaluation and treatment

Autor: Businaro, Valentina, Smania, Nicola, Picelli, Alessandro, Varalta, Valentina, Bonetti, Bruno, Righetti, Anna, Ottaviani, Sarah
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/vgu8w
Popis: Swallowing disorders appear to be present in one-third of subjects with PD (Kalf, Swart, Bloem, & Munneke, 2012), with a prevalence ranging from 16% to 100%, based on the assessment tool used (Kwon & Lee, 2019; Van Hooren, Baijens, Voskuilen, Oosterloo, & Kremer, 2014). The presence of oropharyngeal dysphagia can limit the person's quality of life (QoL), increasing the onset of aspiration pneumonia in PD patients (Kalf et al., 2012). Clinical manifestations are characterized by impairments of both the oral and pharyngeal phases, with a presence of aspiration greater than 50% (Lin, Chang, Chen, & Chang, 2012; Suttrup & Warnecke, 2016; Umemoto & Furuya, 2020). Together with the identification of signs and symptoms typical of the phases of the swallowing process, several Authors have described the involvement of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage, with the reduction of the approximation of the two structures. Furthermore, the movement velocity on the horizontal plane of the hyoid bone could be compromised. These parameters can be assessed by submental ultrasound (Broadfoot et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2019). It is important to investigate the dysphagia signs and symptoms with various subjective and/or objective evaluation methods (Cohen & Manor, 2011; Ginocchio et al., 2016; Kwon & Lee, 2019; Lee et al., 2019; Lopez-Liria et al., al., 2020; Manor, Giladi, Cohen, Fliss, & Cohen, 2007; Oh, Seo, & Kang, 2016; Suttrup & Warnecke, 2016; Umemoto & Furuya, 2020). These approaches allow to identify patients at risk of dysphagia from the early stage and eventually compensate for it. The problem regarding voice concern about 70-90% of the PD population (Sapir et al., 2008). In particular, respiratory mechanics deficits are reported which affect vocalic production and prosody. Therefore, there is a relationship between phonation and swallowing, is important to improve the relationship between dysphagia e voice aspects in these patients.
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