Nonlinear dynamic strain analysis on rotor bladestructures with embedded piezoceramic sensors for activevibration control

Autor: Tian-Soon Lee, Yueh-Jaw Lin
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Mechatronics. 8:805-820
ISSN: 0957-4158
DOI: 10.1016/s0957-4158(98)00027-0
Popis: In this paper, a relative index method is proposed to analyze the nonlinear VonKarman strain effects on a rotor blade structure with embedded piezoceramic sensors. Althoughother qualitative and quantitative methods are available for nonlinear strain analysis, thesemethods have inherent drawbacks. The proposed relative index method circumvents thedrawbacks of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Firstly, it measures the nonlinear effectand converts it into a numerical value. The value is in the range of zero to one in which zerocorresponds to negligible effects and one indicates the highest severity of the nonlinear effects. Inaddition, to generate the index value, this method takes the whole picture of nonlinear effectresponse into consideration. The results of using the relative index method show that at any given mode of vibrationthe nonlinear effect on the sensor is relatively negligible at a high rate of rotation rather than onlow. The results also indicate that the nonlinear effect increases at lower modes of vibration butits effect on the sensor almost levels off at higher modes. Moreover, if comparing index value ofgiven modes of vibration with the index value of its preceding modes, the effect of nonlinearitydecreases. In addition, the results also suggest that at any given instantaneous speed of rotationthe level of the nonlinear effect diminishes with the higher acceleration⧹deceleration operation ofthe blade.
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