Robustness Enhancement of the Floating NBL BCD Architecture: Parasitics Suppression and Addition of Partially Isolated Diode for Localized Voltage Control

Autor: Jaroslav Pjencak, Johan Janssens, Moshe Agam
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 33rd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD).
Popis: The isolation capabilities of the Floating N-type Buried Layer (NBL) architecture are discussed and explained in reference to connected NBL. The non-deterministic NBL potential requires new considerations for lateral and vertical parasitics. These parasitics have been characterized and optimized to allow safe high voltage designs. The authors discuss dependencies of isolation capabilities with aspects like: anti-series diodes that are constructed from the NBL to the P-Epi upward and from the NBL to the P-substrate downward, parasitic bipolar gain and emitter injection efficiency in conjunction with SCR effects for cases where N-body is added to the stack, and the addition of lateral isolation to DTI to prevent a path for parasitic MOS along the DTI walls. Finally, it is shown how an isolated diode with Medium Trench Isolation (MTI) can be used to control the NBL potential to serve as a shield against electron injection from the substrate and to add additional robustness for SCR triggering.
Databáze: OpenAIRE