A New Paradigm: Protecting Market Share?

Autor: Mohamed A. Ramady, Wael Mahdi
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: OPEC in a Shale Oil World ISBN: 9783319223704
Popis: Since its inception in 1960, OPEC has made two important decisions. The first decision was in October 1973 when it took over the pricing of its crude from international oil companies. The second decision is the one its ministers reached in their 166th ordinary meeting on November 27, 2014. By refusing to cut output and instead keeping the production ceiling intact at 30 million barrels a day, at a time when oil prices lost close to $40, the organization’s ministers signaled that they are seeking a new policy that does not focus on defending oil prices. The decision, in effect, created a new paradigm shift for the oil market as it marked the end of the residual or “swing” producer role for OPEC, a responsibility it assumed since the early 1980s to defend prices. OPEC, or at least its largest members, is now focusing on defending its share in the market. In June 2015, OPEC members, this time without dissent, agreed to continue with the Saudi-led policy of no production cuts and defend market share (Smith et al. 2015).
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