Pure rotational absorption of nitrosyl fluoride and nitrosyl chloride in the 80–250 μ region

Autor: R.C. Lord, J.R. Durig
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: Spectrochimica Acta. 19:421-429
ISSN: 0371-1951
DOI: 10.1016/0371-1951(63)80053-3
Popis: The pure rotational infrared absorption spectra of nitrosyl fluoride (ONF) and nitrosyl chloride (ONCl) have been investigated with a small grating spectrometer in the spectral range 80–250 μ (125–40 cm −1 ). For ONF twelve Q -branches were observed which occur at positions expected for a slightly asymmetric prolate top with centrifugal distortion. The observed frequencies of these lines are in excellent agreement with the frequencies calculated from the microwave value of 2.80261 cm −1 for the rotational constant A − ( B + C ) 2 provided that a centrifugal distortion constant D k with a value of 1.14 × 10 −4 cm −1 is used. Eight sharp but rather weak Q -branches have been observed for ONCl. Frequencies are calculated which agree with the observed ones within experimental error by using a value of A − ( B + C ) 2) = 2.73 ± 0.02 cm −1 and a D k value of 1.0 × 10 −4 cm −4 . Combination of the former with the microwave values for B and C gives 9.60 ± 0.07 × 10 −40 g cm −2 for the least moment of inertia. This leads to an inertial defect of 0.13 amu A and an asymmetry parameter b p = −2.21 × 10 −3 .
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