Molecular Mn-catalysts grafted on graphitic carbon nitride (gCN): The behavior of gCN as support matrix in oxidation reactions

Autor: Anastasia Simaioforidou, Yiannis Georgiou, Maria Louloudi, Athanasios B. Bourlinos
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Polyhedron. 153:41-50
ISSN: 0277-5387
Popis: We report a synthetic methodology for covalent grafting of metal complexes with Schiff base ligands, on gCN as support. Based on this, the La@gCN-MnII and Lt@gCN-MnII materials have been prepared. Their physicochemical characterization suggested the successful immobilization of the entire [MnII-Schiff base] complexes on gCN without significant disturbance of ordered structure of the pristine gCN. The La@gCN-MnII and Lt@gCN-MnII were evaluated as catalysts for olefins’ epoxidations with H2O2. We found that they are efficient, selective towards epoxide formation and interestingly, the Lt@gCN-MnII was kinetically faster than the La@gCN-MnII. That is, the grafting process and the support environment offered by gCN maintain the catalytic performance of grafted molecular catalysts. Moreover, a detailed recycling study of the present catalytic materials has been done to investigate their robustness focusing on the textural features of the recovered and recycled catalysts. Our data showed an important matrix exfoliation occurs during oxidation catalysis indicating a limited stability of gCN as support material in oxidative media.
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