Synthesis of crowded triarylphosphines carrying functional sites

Autor: Kiyotoshi Kato, Fumiki Murakami, Katsuhide Sutoh, Mariko Watanabe, Masaaki Yoshifuji, Shigeru Sasaki, Midori Murakami
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 690:2664-2672
ISSN: 0022-328X
Popis: 4,4′-Diphosphinobiaryls and 1,3- and 1,4-borylphosphinobenzenes carrying crowded triarylphosphine moieties were synthesized by reaction of the corresponding diarylchlorophosphine with an arylcopper(I) reagent. Intramolecular interaction of the phosphorus redox center with the other phosphorus or the boron redox center was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. 4,4′-Diphosphinobiaryls displayed two-step reversible redox waves with slight differences of the oxidation potentials due to weak interaction between two phosphorus redox centers across 4,4′-biarylene linkage. Borylphosphinobenzenes showed two step redox waves corresponding to oxidation at the phosphorus and reduction at the boron. Although significant interaction between the phosphorus and boron redox centers was not observed in the cyclic voltammograms due to large difference of the redox potentials between phosphorus and boron redox centers, an absorption due to weakly interacting phosphorus and boron was observed in the UV–Vis spectrum of the 1,4-borylphosphinobenzene.
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