Suppression of rice blast by phylloplane fungi isolated from rice plants

Autor: Teruyoshi Hashiba, Hitoshi Kawamata, Kazuhiko Narisawa
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of General Plant Pathology. 70:131-138
ISSN: 1610-739X
DOI: 10.1007/s10327-003-0100-9
Popis: Rice phylloplane fungi were evaluated for their potential as biocontrol agents for rice blast disease caused by Magnaporthe grisea. A total of 1923 fungal isolates were obtained from rice plants in fields at Ishigaki and Iwama and from potted plants placed in a cedar woods in Iwama as bait. Although 82.9% of isolated fungi could not be identified, species of Epicoccum were the most prevalent among identified isolates. Of the 1923 isolates, 967 were randomly selected for screening against rice leaf blast. Nine isolates (MKP5111B, MKP5112, J2JMR3-2, K2J131-2, I5R3-1, NOP541, K1KM134-1, NOP5112, MKP33222) suppressed the disease when a conidial or hyphal suspension of both the phylloplane fungus and pathogen were simultaneously used to inoculate rice plants cultured in pots in a growth chamber. Five of the isolates originated from potted plants in the woods and four from Ishigaki, a subtropical island. Five (MKP5111B, MKP5112, NOP541, NOP5112, MKP33222) of the nine isolates strongly suppressed conidial germination of M. grisea (≦0.7%) and formed inhibition zones (3–5 mm width) in dual cultures with the pathogen. Methanol extracts from the isolates also inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen. These results suggest that the five isolates produced antibiotic(s). These five isolates are likely identical or closely related fungal species because the sequence of their ITS regions were 100% similar. ITS sequence analysis also suggested that J2JMR3-2 was associated with a species of Fusarium. Under field conditions, J2JMR3-2 reduced both leaf and panicle blast severity, and three other isolates (MKP5111B, K1KM134-1, K2J131-2) suppressed leaf blast in one of the three experiments.
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