Дуплексне сканування нетипових форм прогресуючої варикозної хвороби підшкірних вен у вагітних (зовнішніх статевих органів, промежини)

Autor: М. V. Semenyuk, V. М. Yenikeeva, V. М. Lypnyy, S. І. Lichner, V. М. Antonyuk-Kysil
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Шпитальна хірургія. Журнал імені Л. Я. Ковальчука.
ISSN: 2414-4533
DOI: 10.11603/2414-4533.2017.1.7649
Popis: The aim of the study: to examine sources and options of progressive varicose saphenous veins disease of the perineum, external genitalia during pregnancy using the data of duplex scanning. Materials and Methods. 768 (93.03 %) patients were examined according to the protocol developed by us among 825 pregnant women with varicose veins of the lower extremities, perineum, external genitalia, inguinal canal who gave birth in theRegionalPerinatalCenter from the beginning of 2013 till 2016 inclusive. Results and Discussion. The main available currently, dynamic, informative, less traumatic for pregnant women and fetus method of examination of the venous system of the pelvis, perineum and lower extremities, groin in progressive varicose veins in these areas is duplex scanning. Duplex scanning was carried out to study the anatomy of the venous system of progressive varicose veins disease of above mentioned areas with planning feasibility and possibility of safe surgical correction of this pathology with the definition of the volume of surgical intervention during pregnancy. One of the stages of duplex scanning is to identify areas with pathologic reflux, defined by us as "nodal areas" of the venous system, which according to our data are in most cases a trigger mechanism of development and cause of progression of varicose saphenous veins of above mentioned areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE