D6.1 Analysis of needs and capacity of different audiences including policy makers, expert practitioners and other modellers

Autor: Milica Trajković, Dajana Vujaklija, Guy Ziv, Arjan Gosal, Jiaqi Ge, Jodi Gunning, Birgit Mueller, Annabelle Williams, Elisabet Nadeu
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: This document has five main sections: the first one, “Developing the needs assessment protocol” which explains how we approached to different stakeholders in order to define and analyse their needs and capacities; the second section contains the report of of the interviews conducted by RISE and present the needs of Policy Makers; section three explains the needs of expert practitioners identified during the online workshop (14th and 15th of July 2020); section four presents the needs of biophysical modeling community and section five explains the needs of ABM modellers identified from recent scholarly workshops. The results of this analysis will be taken under consideration and co-design and co-development processes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE