Doença Periodontal e Diabete Melito Tipo 2

Autor: Soluete Oliveira da Silva, Maria Salete Sandini Linden, Georgia Verardi, Ana Luísa Lupatini, João Paulo De Carli, Micheline Sandini Trentin, Joana Cristina Beltrame
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Odonto. 17:93-99
ISSN: 2176-1000
Popis: Introduction - periodontal disease is considered the sixth classic complication of the diabetes melito. Recent studies tell that the diabetes melito and the periodontal disease represent a bidirectional association, in which the diabetes favors the development of the periodontal disease and this, when no treated, it hinders the metabolic control of the diabetes. The periodontites related to systemic diseases are caused by bacterial plate and also exacerbated by the oral condition. Objective: accomplish a literature revision in relation to the influence of the periodontal disease in the diabetic patient’s systemic factor, and for its time, the influence of the diabetes in the development and progression of the periodontal disease. Conclusion: the diabetes melito is a factor of importance in the incidence and prevalence of periodontal disease, as well as the periodontal disease it can have influence on the metabolic control of the diabetes. The periodontal treatment seems to contribute for the improvement of the glycemic control of diabetic individuals and with periodontal disease.
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