Strategi Manajemen Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa Melalui Pendampingan Berkelanjutan Peran SDGS Desa Dalam Peningkatan Pemberdayaan Tipologi Desa di Kawasan Pesisir

Autor: Novianty Djafri Djafri, Apriyanto A. J Pauweni, Syamsu Qamar Badu
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Jurnal SOLMA. 10
ISSN: 2614-1531
Popis: Background: Regional development is an issue and problem that is always interesting to study in various designs and strategies for sustainable development, including human development which is echoed in the concept of the Millennium Development Goals or known as the MDGs. a special area in Sukapeace Village, precisely in the coastal area. This service aims at Sustainable Assistance through Management of the Utilization of the Role of Village SDGS, in Empowering Increasing Economic Income of MSME Groups in Coastal Areas. Methods: The methods used in empowerment are lectures, discussions and direct practice which are carried out jointly by students, along with target groups, the community and the government (stakeholders). Result: the result of this activity is to get a creative leadership model to improve the leadership management strategy. Conclusion: so that the Sustainable Assistance for the Role of the SDGs in Bilato Village can increase the Empowerment of Village Typology in the Coastal Area of ​​Bilato Village, Bilato District, Gorontalo Regency.
Databáze: OpenAIRE