Operational Acceptance of Integrated Galileo Operations Facilities Provided as Customer Furnished Items

Autor: Claudio Soddu, Walter Paeffgen, Stefan Sassen
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: SpaceOps 2006 Conference.
Popis: Galileo is Europe’s future satellite navigation system founded by the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency (ESA ). The Galileo Program covers several phases and precursor missions. Common to all phases is a specific contractual structure for ground facility development, its assembly, integration and verificatio n (AIV), and operations service. The classical approach for contracting the ground segment design and the operations provisio n is t he select ion of an operations provider, who will be responsible for the design, develop ment (or procurement) , test ing and accept ance of the ground segment either performed by the own company, subcontracted specialised companies or procured using comm ercial -of -the -shelf (COTS) equipment. Instead, Galileo follows a different approach by assigning the ground segment development, the AIV activities and the operations to diff erent entities . The approach has inherent advantages and disadvantages ; for instan ce, an advantage is the independence in start time of these events. In case of operations a methodology has to be applied to allow for a smooth transfer from ground segment development to its operation. A step of paramount i mportance in order to mitigate o verall system performance risks is the so called operational acceptance, which will have to be introduced as a milestone at which the operations provider declares the system as capable to perform his contractual operations obligation. The operational accep tance has to be distinct from the technical acceptance performed by t he customer of the ground system. The approach allows early assessment of system performance compliance and clarification of liabilities at the earliest possible point in time . This can b e compared with the everyday life example of renting a car . The driver has to be able to follow the common rules of the traffic. Therefore he trusts the rent al company for a fully functional car. Before he starts, he will check the car by careful visual ch eck and short functional test (motor ignition, lights, horn). Simplified, t his would be similar to a n operational acceptance. The ownership of the system is also different to the classical approach; therefore the operations provider has to introduce measur es for insuring the equipment which has been integrated in its premises. Typically the operations provider also provides the infrastructure, such as building, power, air condition, communication access points, etc. The paper shows a general methodology, th e steps to the entire system acceptance and the relationship to qualification acceptance, the operational validation aspects and the necessary staffing. Moreover, it points out that the overall project coordination as a prerequisite shall consider the part icipation of the operations personnel in the facility requirements consolidation, the design reviews and the facility, segment and integrated system testing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE