Extending CW radar unambiguous detection range using a Modified Frank Code

Autor: Phillip E. Pace, Dongjin Yeom
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18).
Popis: A number theoretic transform of the Frank polyphase modulation is introduced in order to significantly extend the unambiguous detection range of CW polyphase modulation radar beyond a single code period using N coprime moduli and their residues. The Modified Frank Code (MFC) allows the coverage of a large unambiguous range while minimizing the correlation lengths necessary to achieve the required compression gain for target detection. We present 3 different formulations of the MFC each having their unique characteristics. We show that the third formulation (MFC-III), retains a perfect periodic autocorrelation property with zero sidelobes similar to the original Frank modulation.
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