Examination of the Variables Affecting Customers’ Acceptance of Online Lending Platform

Autor: Roy Kurniawan
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).
Popis: Online lending platform offer benefits for underserved segment that need access to loans. The massive development on this industry because of the convenient access compared to bank or multi finance. OJK as the authorities expect this industry can support financial inclusion in Indonesia. This study designs to identify the Variables Affecting Consumers’ Acceptance of Online Lending Platform based on problems and opportunities. Variables related to opportunities are Familiarity and Interest Rate, while variables related to problems are Trust and Security. This study’s sample size determination method using estimation of a proportion, unit analysis is the individual customers, sampling technique using simple random sampling processed 145 respondents and processed the data using PLS-SEM. The results are Familiarity affects the acceptance of online lending platform. This research also produces recommendations for the development of the industry so it can support financial inclusion.
Databáze: OpenAIRE