Optical polarization and the dependence of angle of incidence for different surfaces: comparison between different wavelengths from UV to IR

Autor: Hans Kariis, Stefan Björkert, Johan Eriksson, T. Hallberg
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Target and Background Signatures IV.
Popis: As the sensor technology for polarimetric imaging is advancing into more robust commercial systems such sensors could soon be expected for, e.g., military surveillance and reconnaissance applications in addition to more conventional sensor systems. Thus, there might be an upcoming need to understand limitations on present camouflage systems to meet this new sensor threat. Some of the reasons why polarimetric imaging has drawn attention is the ability to achieve a higher contrast for artificial surfaces against natural backgrounds, by analyzing the degree of linear polarization, which in this work has been analyzed for different types of surfaces as a function of wavelength. We also compare with the polarimetric vision of horse-flies and other aquatic insects via the polarization properties of different colors of horse coat hair in order to give some further insight into polarimetric vision techniques developed by nature. In this work we have used different measurement techniques, such as angle dependent polarimetric spectral directional hemispherical reflectance and polarimetric imaging.
Databáze: OpenAIRE