Aesthetic and Functional Oral Rehabilitation with Occlussal Trays, Ultrasonotherapy and Tolperison Hydrochloride Treatment in Patients with Dysfunctional Syndrome of Stomatognathic System and Muscular Affectation

Autor: Daniela Manuc, Ovidiu Stamatin, Laura Elisabeta Checherita, Iulian Costin Lupu
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Revista de Chimie. 69:1752-1755
ISSN: 2668-8212
DOI: 10.37358/rc.18.7.6410
Popis: Our study, a clinic experiment type, was developed on a sample of 77 patients, aged between 60 and 74 years, taken into study and investigated from an electromyographic point of view, which presented the affliction of muscular activity as a result of decreasing or increasing of muscular tonus, or as a result of muscular contraction alterations. We have applied: occlusal trays (28 days) in all of the patients, aerosols therapy in 28 (36.4%) patients and tolperison hydrochloride (50 mg x 3/day, 28 days) in 27 (35.06%) patients. Also, we have applied occlusal trays and tray to be protective with the composite restoration of patients. The effect of augmentation on the local metabolic processes, the analgesia of painful zones and muscular relaxation have positive effects on long and short term. After applications with aerosols, we recorded amelioration in all patients: the absence of pain and the substantial amelioration of pain perception. Conclusions. Physical kinetic therapeutic methods aim at muscular relaxation, the toning up or the decrease of muscular tonus, improvement in mandible functionality, improvement in functionality at the level of temporomandibular joints and improvement in local circulation. The tolperison hydrochloride treatment was used as symptomatic treatment for muscular relaxation with positive results.
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