Ion-Stimulated Pitting during the Successive Irradiation of Molybdenum Mirrors with Helium and Argon Ions

Autor: A. V. Rogov, Yu. V. Kapustin, A. G. Domantovskii, V.M. Gureev
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. 15:563-569
ISSN: 1819-7094
Popis: The effect of the formation of numerous pits on the surface of polished polycrystalline and single-crystal Mo mirrors after their successive irradiation with He and Ar ions in a gas discharge is found. The pits have the shape of round holes and long multidirectional linear grooves, the maximum depth of which is equal to the thickness of the layer damaged during polishing. The shape of the linear grooves corresponds to scratches immured at different stages of polishing, while their width and depth are determined presumably by the typical size of the used abrasive grains (~1 µm). The overwhelming majority of pits are formed at the interface between the damaged layer and the slightly deformed substrate material, where the gas-diffusion rate sharply decreases. The pitting effect leads to sharp degradation of the optical characteristics of the mirrors. The results obtained can be used to improve the polishing technology and to develop mirror cleaning systems for optical diagnostics of the plasma of thermonuclear facilities.
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