Algorithm for detecting suicidal risk in adolescents

Autor: Aleksandr Ivanovich Tyukavin, Alexey T. Davydov, Vitaly V. Kononchuk
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 9:68-71
ISSN: 2587-6252
Popis: Studied that in general educational establishments, military commissariats during the initial staging of teenagers on the military account, upon applicants in Universities to identify suicidal risk guidance documents are not provided and are not carried out, and a statistic of children's and teen suicides in Russia exceeds the world average in 2,7 times. Found that adolescents with a high level of mental adaptation indicators of suicidal risk, and the level of mental adaptation increased the proportion of adolescents with suicidal risk. In adolescents with the right-side brain lateralization of suicidal risk indicators identified in 3 times more frequent than in adolescents with left-side lateralization. In patients with right-sided brain laterali zation indicators of suicidal risk only for those individuals who were originally in a group “maladaptive”, as well as persons who were des adaptations to the dynamics of this group of groups with higher mental adaptation, even assuming that this exclusion was staging with a subsequent improvement. For adolescents with a left-handed lateralization peculiarity is not typical. It is shown that in groups with low levels of mental adaptation increases significantly the proportion of persons with the presence of suicidal risk. The algorithm of early objective risk assessment of suicide mass surveys and prediction of suicidal behavior in teenagers. Using this algorithm, for the first time, you can diagnose the deterioration of mental status in dynamics on dynamic reduce the level of mental adaptation and promptly implement their correction to prevent suicidal behavior. The algorithm provides for active participation of surveyed adolescents and their parents (guardians) with observance of all legal provisions in the diagnosis level of mental adaptation and measures to prevent suicides.
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