Investigation of the effect of local vibration on injection pain in invasive dental filling treatmentsLokal vibrasyon uygulamasının invaziv diş dolgu tedavilerinde enjeksiyon ağrısına etkisinin incelenmesi

Autor: Hayriye Baltaoğlu Alp, Said Karabekiroğlu
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences. 16:518-524
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: Research problem : Dental injection and the fear of pain are among the reasons why dental patients are delayed treatment and do not come to their appointments. njection of local anesthesia is one of the most important issues that cause pain and anxiety, which may lead to unpleasant experiences in patients (2) .This may also discourage clinicians or prevent them from working comfortably.The pain relief mechanism of the vibration can be explained by the door-control theory demonstrated by Melzack and Wall. Metod :In the first study group (Group 1), topical anesthesia (20% benzocaine) was applied with sterile cotton pellet and it was kept for 1 min. In the second group (Group 2), vibration was induced by vibration device which was formed by modified toothbrush with tongue cleaner. In the third group (Group 3); First, 1 min topical anesthesia was applied for 1 min. Results :According to the results of this study, it was observed that topical anesthesia with vibration resulted in lower VAS score than other methods. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Arastirma problem: Dental enjeksiyon ve agri korkusu, dis hastalarinin tedaviyi geciktirme ve randevularina gelmeme nedenleri arasindadir.(1) Lokal anestezi enjeksiyonu hastalarda hos olmayan deneyimler yasamasina neden olabilen, agri ve anksiyete yaratan en onemli konulardan biridir(2).Bu durum ayni zamanda klinisyenlerin de cesaretlerini kirabilir, yada rahat calismasini engelleyebilir.Vibrasyonun agriyi giderme mekanizmasi Melzack ve Wall’un gosterdigi kapi-kontrol teorisi ile aciklanabilir. Derideki reseptorlerden alinan dokunma ve vibrasyon duyusunun, A-β sinir lifleri araciligiyla medullaspinalistekiintermedier inhibitor noronlari uyarmasi ile aciklamislardir. Metod: Ilk calisma grubunda (Grup 1) steril pamuk pelet yardimi ile topikal anestezi (20% benzocaine) uygulandi ve 1 dk bekletildi. Ikinci grupta (Grup 2), kurutulan bolgeye sarjli dis fircasinin dil temizleyici ile modifiye edilmesiyle olusturulan vibrasyon cihazi ile 1 dk titresim verildi. Ucuncu grupta ise (Grup 3); once 1 dk vibrasyon uygulandi ardindan 1 dk topikal anestezi uygulandi. Sonuc: Bu calismanin sonuclarina gore titresim ile beraber topikal anestezi uygulanmasinin diger yontemlere gore daha dusuk VAS skoru sonuclari ortaya cikardigi gorulmustur.
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