Women and Higher Education in COVID-19 Times: Challenges and Possibilities for Sustainable Development’

Autor: Tayyaba Tamim
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: COVID-19: Paving the Way for a More Sustainable World ISBN: 9783030692834
Popis: COVID-19 has not only created a health emergency but also seriously disrupted the functioning of economic and social institutions. Its impact on higher education has been direct, swift and devastating. Higher education institutions (HEIs) form the backbone of progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030) in their stewardship of research and innovation, engagement with policy debates and commitment to the education and training of professionals. The crucial element that facilitates this trajectory, however, is women’s participation in HEIs, premised on principles of equity and inclusivity, widening participation and access that enables individual empowerment and prosperity on the one hand and ensures valuable contributions towards the SDGs 2030 on the other hand. Nevertheless, it is now feared that COVID 19 may reverse the gains made towards Goal 4 of SDGs 2030, as it structures new barriers that make it difficult for girls to stay in education. This is a major worry because the ripple effect from this may not only derail achievement of Goal 5 but other SDGs as well. Given that the World Bank and UNESCO anticipate large number of students, especially girls in poor countries to drop out of education, the question is, would it be the same for females in higher education? As formal education is relocated in homes, where unequal gendered relations of power might play out strongly against them. Women may find it difficult to pursue their higher education. This may be because of their limited access to resources, burden of domestic work, caring responsibilities, domestic violence, mental and physical health or sociocultural norms. Conversely, the question is also, does this virtual space of higher education, offer some unique opportunities for us to facilitate the access of women to higher education and ensure their retention? Is it an opportunity to rethink education in a way that is more inclusive and flexible? These are important questions to contend with to make an informed, gender sensitive response to the challenges faced by women in higher education.
Databáze: OpenAIRE