Image Processing Methods For The Presentation Of Multiple Geological Datasets From The English Lake District

Autor: M.D. Forrest, A.E. Harding
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 'Remote Sensing: Moving Toward the 21st Century'..
Popis: Geological datasets for the English Lake District have been co-registered and converted to image format. Some image enhancement and integration techniques for analysing the datasets and studying spatial correlations within the database are described. Multispectral Landsat TM data over the area is of limited use for lithological discrimination. Single band (TM 5) data however, yields much structural information and enhancement using directional spatial filtering allows recognition of several previously unmapped structures. TM Band 5 imagery and its first order filter derivatives have been combined with regional survey data using IHS transforms and stereoscopic view generation techniques and have been overlaid with line and polygon information from other exploration datsets. Datasets were combined in a manner which maintains identity of each dataset and the imagery produced demonstrates the power of image presentation for efficient multi-data analysis
Databáze: OpenAIRE