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BCR Consulting LLC (BCR Consulting) under contract to Ace Environmental LLC completed a Cultural Resources Inventory of the LSV Indian Springs Project (project) located at Creech Air Force Base (CAFB) and on Bureau of Land Management land (BLM) in Clark County, Nevada. Proposed project activities will include installation of permanent power at an existing communications site, and installation of underground, overhead, and above-ground utility lines to an existing telecommunications site. The activities that will occur within these alignments and easements comprise the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for direct effects, or direct APE. An indirect APE has also been established for a 3.5-mile radius surrounding the APE for direct effects. A cultural resources literature review and background research, and intensive-level pedestrian field survey were conducted for the project. The literature review and background research included the direct APE, plus a one-mile radius for prehistoric and historic-period archaeological sites, and for historic-period architectural resources. A 3.5- mile radius (the indirect APE) was included in an analysis of indirect effects to cultural resources. |