Climate Change and Public Health Interventions

Autor: Kathryn C. Conlon, Chelsea M. Austin
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Climate Change and Global Public Health ISBN: 9783030547455
Popis: Climate change poses significant risks to human health. As a result, public health researchers and practitioners require evidence-based interventions to aid in protecting those who will be impacted by climate change–related exposures. These interventions must not only interrupt the processes resulting in adverse health impacts but also produce knowledge that elucidates the complex mechanisms underlying climate change and health. This chapter aims to frame and operationalize how climate and health interventions can interrupt and characterize these mechanisms while providing urgently needed evidence for more protective health adaptation. We do this by: (1) placing climate and health interventions in the public health and climate adaptation contexts; (2) identifying and broadening the view of those who implement climate and health interventions; (3) describing existing climate and health interventions across numerous spatial and temporal scales; and (4) exploring ways to leverage recent advances in evaluation methods to generate evidence for climate and health interventions. By better defining the field of climate and health interventions, we intend to motivate and mobilize practitioners and researchers in this nascent, but ever-important field.
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