Synthetic Biology as a Bridge to Integration of Bio Objects into Internet of Things

Autor: P. M. Gotovtsev, I.A. Konova
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 International Conference on Sensing and Instrumentation in IoT Era (ISSI).
DOI: 10.1109/issi47111.2019.9043737
Popis: This paper discussed the several ways how synthetic biology can help to move bio objects into IoT conception by expansion of biosensors using. Applications of synthetic biology methods for enhancing of control systems in industrial biotechnology are described. It is shown that cells as object that capable to provide logic processing via genetic logic circuits can enhance sensors networks and gives possibility to provide information related with intracellular processes for IoT systems. Some possible applications for industrial IoT and Smart City are discussed and shown that synthetic biology approaches can be very useful for biosensors development.
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