Determination and speciation of cadmium in microcosms with Bunodosoma caissarum and Perna perna using isotopically enriched 116 Cd

Autor: Nerea Fernández Iglesias, Jörg Bettmer, Renato Campello Cordeiro, Nafisa Rizzini Ansari, Marcos Antônio Fernandez
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 115:362-368
ISSN: 0025-326X
Popis: The study of the uptake and distribution of elements in marine environments is of great interest for understanding their pathways and accumulation. Here, we investigated in laboratory experiments the accumulation behavior of Cd in the sea anemone Bunodosoma caissarum and the mussel Perna perna. Specimens were incubated with isotopically enriched 116Cd in aquariums. Cd concentrations in the seawater and in the tissues of B. caissarum and P. perna were followed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) by means of isotope dilution analysis. Bioconcentration factors for B. caissarum and P. perna exposed to 0.9μg·L-1 of 116Cd were determined to be 80.5 and 850, respectively. P. perna specimens exposed to 4.5μg·L-1 of 116Cd reached 530. Cytosolic proteins associated with Cd from the tissues were extracted and further analyzed by size-exclusion chromatography coupled to ICP-MS. Cd accumulation could be detected in both organisms ranging from high-molecular to low-molecular species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE