Natural growth bands and growth variability in the sea urchin Echinus esculentus: results from tetracycline tagging

Autor: J. D. Gage
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Marine Biology. 114:607-616
ISSN: 1432-1793
Popis: Growth of the European edible sea urchin Echinus esculentus L. was studied in a population held for 2 yr in cages on the sea bed, after labelling with the skeletal growth marker tetracycline. The final position of the tetracycline tag on the genital plates agreed with an annual periodicity in natural growth zones; two such growth zones appeared beyond the position of the tag on the ground surface of the plate as light-reflecting bands separated by narrow dark lines in the middle layer. Individual and group (pooled data) growth parameters were estimated from the growth increment shown in the genital plate, whose lateral growth displayed a linear relationship to the diameter of the urchin test within the size range of these measurements. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters (asymptotic size and growth-rate function K) fitted to the growth increment on each individual were highly significantly correlated to those fitted to the natural growth lines, assuming an annual periodicity. The inferred growth pattern agrees well with conclusions based on H. B. Moore's growth-band data. The caged urchins can be assumed to have experienced exactly similar conditions, yet the growth curves fitted to individuals showed considerable variability. The good agreement between estimated growth function parameters of individuals obtained by the two methods indicate that this reflects real variability in growth between individuals that probably is genetically rather than environmentally determined. The growth of E. esculentus, and the adaptational significance of high growth variability in the population is briefly discussed.
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