The journey ofKomagata Maru: conjuncture, memory and history

Autor: Subhas Ranjan Chakraborty
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: South Asian Diaspora. 8:111-124
ISSN: 1943-8184
DOI: 10.1080/19438192.2016.1165929
Popis: The journey of Komagata Maru represents the convergence of several trends in contemporary colonial world. The harassment and endless misery to which the Indian immigrants into Canada were subjected indicated a new feeling of anxiety within the Empire about the immigrants/aliens/ foreigners. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Canada had solved the problem by insisting on continuous voyage from the country of origin. The immigrants of Komagata Maru were suspected to be part of a grand plan by seditious Indians to hatch an international conspiracy. This is amply borne out by the correspondence between the Criminal Intelligence Office, Simla and the intelligence departments in Bengal and Punjab. The authorities in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Penang, Singapore and Rangoon also shared information on a regular basis. The Komagata Maru incident may become more comprehensible in the light of this larger context.
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