High-resolution soft-x-ray projection imaging using Schwarzschild optics and a laser plasma source

Autor: D. A. Tichenor, G. D. Kubiak, M. E. Malinowski, R. H. Stulen, S. J. Haney, K. W. Berger, L. A. Brown, W. C. Sweatt, J. E. Bjorkholm, J. Bokor, R. R. Freeman, M. D. Himel, T. E. Jewell, A. A. MacDowell, W. M. Mansfield, D. M. Tennant, W. K. Waskiewicz, D. L. White, D. L. Windt, O. R. Wood
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Optical Society of America Annual Meeting.
DOI: 10.1364/oam.1992.mvv5
Popis: High resolution soft-x-ray projection images are recorded by using a laser plasma source (LPS) and multilayer coated optics. Soft x-rays are generated by focusing a KrF excimer laser beam on a moving gold target. The resulting 15-eV plasma emits an intense burst of soft x-rays from a spot 150 μm in diameter. The soft x-rays are collected by an off-axis ellipsoidal condenser to illuminate a transmission mask composed of a germanium absorber supported by a silicon membrane. A magnified image of the LPS is projected by the condenser into the entrance pupil of the imaging objective to provide Kohler illumination of the mask. The imaging objective is a 20× reduction Schwarzschild having a numerical aperture of 0.08 and operating at a wavelength of 14 nm. Features as small as 0.1 μm have been recorded in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). A second-generation system is being fabricated based on a 10× Schwarzschild objective and a near-on-axis ellipsoidal condenser. This system is designed to image a reflecting mask onto a resist-coated wafer.
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