Co-jumps and Markov Counting Systems in Random Environments

Autor: Carles Bretó
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Contemporary Approaches and Methods in Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics ISBN: 9783030503017
Popis: Motivated by the analysis of multi-strain infectious disease data, we provide closed-form transition rates for continuous-time Markov chains that arise from subjecting Markov counting systems to correlated environmental noises. Noise correlation induces co-jumps or counts that occur simultaneously in several counting processes. Such co-jumps are necessary and sufficient for infinitesimal correlation between counting processes of the system. We analyzed such infinitesimal correlation for a specific infectious disease model by randomizing time of Kolmogorov’s Backward system of differential equations based on appropriate stochastic integrals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE