Resonance states of hydrogen nuclei 4H and 5H obtained in transfer reactions with exotic beams

Autor: Isao Tanihata, S. V. Stepantsov, V. A. Gorshkov, L. Stuttge, Th. Materna, Alain Ninane, Yu. Ts. Oganessian, A. A. Korsheninnikov, D. D. Bogdanov, M. S. Golovkov, S. I. Sidorchuk, M. L. Chelnokov, F. Hanappe, R. Wolski, G.M. Ter-Akopian, A. M. Rodin, A. S. Fomichev, R. S. Slepnev, E. Yu. Nikolski
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 66:1544-1551
ISSN: 1562-692X
Popis: To investigate 5H resonance states with a better instrumental resolution, we utilized the two-neutron transfer reaction 3H(t, p)5H accomplished with the use of a cryogenic liquid-tritium target and 57.5-MeV triton beam. As a result of this study, a valuable fraction of protons detected at θlab = 18°-32° in ptn coincidence events was attributed to the states of the 5H nucleus. Two resonance states situated at 1.8 plusmn; 0.1 and 2.7 ± 0.1 MeV above the t + n + n decay threshold were obtained in the missing mass energy spectrum of the 5H nucleus. The peak located close to E5H = 1.8 MeV was clearly seen in the H spectrum obtained from the energy distributions of 3H nuclei emitted in the reaction 2H(6He, 5H)3He at θ lab = 17°-32°. The width (Γobs ≤ 0.5 MeV) obtained for the two 5H resonance states is surprisingly small. A state of 4H with Eres = 3.3 MeV and γ2 = 2.3 MeV was obtained in the reaction 2H(t, p)4H from the spectra of protons leaving the target at θlab = 18°-32° and detected in coincidence with neutrons emitted in the decay of 4H nuclei. © 2003 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
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