Local field of view imaging for alias-free undersampling with nonlinear spatial encoding magnetic fields

Autor: Gerrit Schultz, Daniel Gallichan, Maxim Zaitsev, Juergen Hennig, Hans Weber
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 71:1002-1014
ISSN: 0740-3194
Popis: Purpose: Nonlinear spatial encoding magnetic fields result inan inhomogeneous image resolution. Within this study, thischaracteristic property of nonlinear encoding is investigatedwith regard to its potential to accelerate MRI acquisitions.Theory: A dependency between k-space coverage and localresolvability of the image causes k-space samples to have aspatially localized contribution to the reconstruction of the spindensity. On the basis of this observation, a concept for alias-free data undersampling is developed, which is referred to asthe local field of view concept.Methods: On the basis of this concept, a fast sampling trajec-tory is developed. It is evaluated with simulations and experi-ments (both using a phantom and in vivo) for MRI with, as anexample, pure quadrupolar encoding fields. To demonstratethat the concept is only applicable to (spatially) nonlinearencoding, a comparison with linear encoding is provided.Results: Application of the local field of view concept resultsin a localized adaptation of the image resolution by undersam-pling higher frequency k-space samples without introducingaliasing.Conclusions: A new effect of nonlinear spatial encoding mag-netic fields was found, which allows more efficient data sam-pling and at the same time counterbalancing the naturalvariation in image resolution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE