Malformaciones urológicas en niños, en el Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Enero 2014 – Diciembre 2018

Autor: Fernando Córdova Neira, Priscila Estefanía Orellana Proaño, Juan Sebastián Ordoñez Peña
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revista Médica del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. 12:106-111
ISSN: 2602-8352
Popis: BACKGROUND: Congenital urinary tract abnormalities are diverse, and can affect different structures of this system. The importance of early diagnosis is avoiding kidney damage in the children. The aim of this study was to identify the frequency of urinary tract abnormalities in pediatric patients, in Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga Pediatric Surgery Department, from January 2014 to December 2018. METHODS: Descriptive cross-sectional study. The universe were 230 pediatric patients with confirmed diagnosis of congenital urinary tract abnormalities, from Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga Pediatric Surgery Department, from January 2014 to December 2018. Incomplete medical charts were excluded (n=47 children). 183 children were part of the this study. . La malformación más frecuente fue la hidronefrosis transitoria 70%, seguida de reflujo Vesico-Ureteral (RVU) 16.39% (n=30), estenosis pieloureteral 5.46% (n=10), megauréter 6.55% (n=12) y displasia renal 1.63% (n=3). RESULTS: The frequency of urological abnormalities was 2.73% (n = 183), predominately infants with 56%, and 57% male. 26.78% presented with symptoms related to urinary tract infection. Ultrasound was performed in 95% of the children, urethrocistography in 55% and renal scintigraphy in 31%. Prenatal findings were found in 34.97%. The most frequent abnormality was transient hydronephrosis (70%), followed up by vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) 16.39% (n = 30), pyeloureteral stenosis 5.46% (n = 10), megaureter 6.55% (n = 12) and renal dysplasia 1.63% (n = 3). CONCLUSION: Urological malformations are common between genetic abnormalities, most of them are asymptomatic; locally due to the low rate of prenatal diagnosis, they are diagnosed in between 24 months of age. Transient hydronephrosis is the most frequent abnormality. Urinary tract infections are commonly the starting line in this groups of patients; when malformations are suspected, ultrasound is always suitable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE